Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Sweeper Stopper Santa Ana: When is Street Sweeping Scheduled?

As Santa Ana is a beautiful city, the public streets are swept weekly to maintain its beauty. Street sweeping is an important activity here because it helps, to brighten the appearance of the surrounding and safeguard the water cleanliness. Well, every citizen can contribute to maintaining the cleanliness and attractiveness of the city by keeping track of the sweeping schedule, and not parking their vehicles on the streets which are being swept. By doing so you’ll not only save yourself from getting a parking ticket, but also help the sweeping to be as effective as possible.
Generally a sweeping schedule sign is erected on the street prior to sweeping. However, it can be difficult to know when it’ll be done if the sign’s not there. And in that case, you can land up with a sweeping ticket stuck on your vehicle. To avoid this, you need to keep track of the current or upcoming street sweeping schedules in Santa Ana. However, this can be a daunting task.

But you don’t need to worry as technology has come to the rescue. If you have an android smartphone, download and install the Sweeper Stopper Santa Ana app. It will help you find the day your street in Santa Ana is swept so that you can move your car prior to the sweeping.

As soon as you load the Sweeper Stopper Santa Ana app on your phone it does some data scanning, and immediately displays the sweeping schedule for your street. Also, you can check the sweeping schedule for other streets of Santa Ana by entering the specific details in the app window. Once done, you can set an alarm to remind yourself about the sweeping time. Well in case, you forget where you parked your car last time, the app can also locate your vehicle. What more can you ask for!!!

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